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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In One Year...

I remember my first days of being a handmade shop owner.
I finally opened my shop, and there were butterflies filling up my stomach.
My beautiful stepkids were over for about a week and so Taylor, my step-daughter, and I spent practically every minute designing headbands, doing photo shoots and coming up with brilliant item descriptions.
It was such an exciting time!
I was so happy just to finally list a few things in my shop...and I took it so very seriously.
Woke up early each morning to do product photography because I read on some blog,
"morning light is best for product shots"
Tracked every single item view, amazed that people were actually coming to look at my products!
I felt like those 12 headbands and cards I listed were my children on display for the world to see..
thats one thing about handmade -
it really is your heart, soul, and handiwork for sale.
Almost one year later and my shop has grown beyond my wildest dreams.
Did I ever think Brides magazine would want to feature me?
Did I ever think a celebrity would want to order from me?
Could I ever imagine this shop would start providing for us, paying our bills, putting food on the table?
No - and I still pinch myself that I'm this blessed.
I get to stay home and do what I love to do...and get paid for it...
I'm living the dream.



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