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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just Give Me Jesus

Tonight I want to share something very special to me.
I heard this when I was16 years old ...
I've listened to it a few times since then
and every time I listen to it,
I sit there and cry.
I realize I have a sensitive soul,
but when I hear something like this,
my eyes fill with tears as I remember the last few years of my life.
My faith in the Lord is unshakable right now.
This week has re-lit my fire for the Lord,
it is burning brightly in my heart.
How I love my Savior,
and I wish to never live half in the world, half out, ever again.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about,
no idea what it feels like to have true and lasting peace,

He is the ONLY answer.

I also love her Texan accent and the way she says "Just Give me Jesus!"
my daughter was listening and said
"thats the spanish way to say Jesus, mommy."
um, no Elle..
thats called a southern accent.

in case the video above doesn't work for you,
heres a link to the clip I'm refering to ...
just give me JESUS

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