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Friday, September 7, 2012

Moustaches for 97 Cents...:)

Rielynn and I were at Walmart this morning
at 7:30 a.m. to buy Elle some new gym
((because not one of her 2,956 pairs of shoes is "regulation"))
when I spotted something that made my heart
skip a beat.
A whole entire mini row of
moustache cell phone decals - and you could put these on anything, really

moustache mini journals

moustache computer decals

moustache coffee cozies

and there was tons more...
we're talking moustache -shaped paper clips,
sticky notes,
planners and more.

the best part?
these moustaches?

they were all

97 cents.

you read that right.

97 cents
to make all of your cool,
moustache dreams come true.

guess what.
walmart isn't even paying me to say this.

I really am this excited about moustaches!

get your 97 cent moustache today, yo!

p.s. since I just wrote it about 50 times,
I realized -
moustache really is a strange looking word.
am I right?


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