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Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Superwoman

I have alot on my plate.
Like, tons.
I realize that most people who read this blog aren't my immediate friends/family so for a little snippet of my life -
 *i'm mommy to my littles.
 *my oldest little (that sounds funny, heh) is probably going to be having major bladder surgery shortly.
*our new-to-us car just broke down (this is our third car to break down in 6 months)
*i am in school for my nursing degree.. it was full time but i dropped one class. still...three classes is alot for a momma/business owner.
*i am a wife.
*i own my own business.
*i still want to see my friends once in a blue moon.
*i am a Christian/believer and follower of Christ so i need my quiet times daily.

Thats just a few of the things that I deal with on a daily basis. I'm sure that alot of you feel like "yup...I hear ya...that sounds like my life right now too!"

Yesterday got a random text from an old friend who said "You are an inspiration...I want to have a business as successful as yours...please tell me how!"
Also yesterday as I semi-broke down in my Excel class (I'll save that story for another time) my Excel prof (a long time nemesis in my head) came up to me and told me she was privelaged to know me; that that I was "special."

I never believe it when people tell me things like that. I actually think..."you may think that, but I fail over and over again, every single day!"
Did you ever have someone tell you that you don't see yourself as other people see you?
(You know...when you are trying to convince that gorgeous, size 4 friend that she is beautiful and she cries into her coffee about her ugly tell her ' if only you saw yourself as other people see you, friend!')
I realized thats exactly what I do to myself every day.
I DO fail daily, but thats where grace comes in!
Gods grace and goodness make up for my weaknesses and blanket me in His forgiveness.

I want to start seeing myself as others see me, as God sees me. I know I can't be the only one out there with alot of her plate who feels like this!

((And the crazy thing is, I would probably look at you and think to myself - "WOW .... shes superwoman!))

Be kind to yourself, friend!
Oh, for the bravery to see ourselves as Christ sees us...
As someone worth dying for!



  1. beautiful.

    thanks for the reminder, that in our failing-- it is then we see Christ's grace and amazing that He wants US!

    loved reading this! xx

  2. I'm a new reader. I love your blog and your beautiful etsy shop. :). Thanks for the beautiful words of wisdom!!

    1. welcome... so glad you've found your way here!! :)

  3. :-( I do this EVERYDAY...CONSTANTLY! I am married to an amazing guy, he just got out of the army (THANK GOD) and now, is going to school full time, while I have a full time job. I work as a nanny of FOUR!! Three two year olds (One of them is mine) and a five year old cutie pie with autism. In my spare time, I work on my shop, try to spend time with the family, call, email, skype my friends and family back home in TN (We moved to CT last August) But even when I TRY, I feel as though it all is a failure. Like the effort I put into my life just isn't enough. I don't talk about myself much, especially though a blog, but I trust your words and thoughts you post. And I definitely agree with your old friend you mentioned, you truly are an inspiration! Thanks for you help, and your wonderful words of wisdom!
